In arrivo nuove funzioni per la MDM in Office 365

Durante il primo quadrimestre del 2015, Microsoft dovrebbe aggiungere ad Office365 un sottoinsieme delle funzionalità di gestione dei dispositivi mobile attualmente presenti in Intune.
Integrando MDM (Mobile Device Management) direttamente in Office365, Microsoft avanzerà di un altro paso sulla sua promessa di gestire non solo i dispositivi, ma anche le applicazioni e i dati sui telefoni e tablet con sistema operativo Windows, iOS e Android.
Le nuove funzionalità consentiranno agli amministratori di gestire tramite policy i dispositivi e, in caso di necessità, di eliminare i dati aziendali, pur conservando i dati personali.

Di seguito vengono elencate le funzionalità che verranno aggiunte ai piani Office365:

  • Help secure and manage corporate resources Apply security policies on devices that connect to Office 365 to ensure that Office 365 corporate email and documents are synchronized only on phones and tablets that are managed by your company.
  • Apply mobile device settings Set and manage security policies such as device level pin lock and jailbreak detection on devices to help prevent unauthorized users from accessing corporate email and data when a device is lost or stolen.
  • Perform a selective wipe of Office 365 data Remove Office 365 corporate data from a device when an employee leaves your organization, while leaving their personal data, photos and apps intact.
  • Preserve Office 365 productivity experience Unlike third-party MDM solutions that have replaced productivity apps with restrictive all-in-one apps for corporate email, calendars and documents, MDM for Office 365 is built directly into the productivity apps your employees know and love. You can set access policies to help secure company data while keeping employees productive.
  • Manage policies with ease Administer mobile device policies directly from within the Office 365 administration portal, through an easy to use interface with wizard-based set up. View reports on which devices are connected to Office 365 and identify devices that have been blocked due to non-compliance.


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